The good news is that there is plenty of vintage Champagne for sale online. The next thing to take into consideration is the price and your budget, vintage Champagne is priced on it's condition and the demand. Once you have found the perfect Champagne for you then the next step is who do you chose to buy vintage Champagne from.
Nearly all professional auction online solutions to help you search for and purchase vintage Champagne will charge you fees to include one or more of registration / listing / selling / commission / membership / buying / postage. As a buyer, you will need to consider that not only will you possibily have direct buyers fees or registration / membership fees, if a seller is charged a listing / sellers fee then it is like that this premium will have been added to their own initial valuation of the bottle of Champagne they are selling / auctioning. Lastly, there will be postage fees that are highly likely to include add admin / packaging fees. All of these fees are totally understandable.
If purchasing from a professional re-seller / wine merchant / distrubtor online then there will most likely be a premium fee charged. Again, totally understandable as this is how businesses make money.
Both options above offer a creditable service of which charging a fee is acceptable. Some might also offer a form of guarantee on any purchases you make, though this becomes harder and harder as the Champagne gets older and older, and especially if purchasing stock without storage history.
Can I buy vintage Champagne online without any fees? Yes you can! Champagne Collectors is a unique online auction / sales website that allows buyers and sellers to trade without any added fees - No payment details are required and upon all sales completions (auction or buy it now format) the buyers and sellers details are shared for them to complete the transaction independently. What's the catch? There isn't one! So you're next suspicious question is 'why are you not charging any fees?'.
Looking to buy vintage Champagne without any added costs / fees? Simply register yourself a free account on Champagne Collectors and enjoy bidding and selling on our platform.