Are you looking to value your Dom Perignon Champagne or looking to sell your Dom Perignon Champagne? We hope that the information below is useful to you as Dom Perignon is one of the more desired Champagne labels and usually keeps its value well with older vintages being highly collectable and valuable.
If you have a more recent vintage then demand will be lower as availability is higher, today the latest is 2015 with other recent releases being 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 and 2000. In bold are the vintages which have been declared super years in the terms used by Champagne connoisseurs and are known for superior quality in flavours so will be highly desirable in years to come for those willing to store / age them. If you have a Champagne of 2015 or 2013 (the latest two releases) then you are competing not only with the bottles available to purchase in the shops and online, but also you need to consider the much lower trade prices too (the resellers will purchase bottles in bulk at trade prices so to sell at higher retail prices you see in shops / online).
2015 / 2013 - Expect low valuation as new bottles with a guarantee of quality can be purchased at £167.77 (tax included) such as via NorthandSouthWines as of 17/02/2025 - Champagne Collectors offer price £70 per bottle (boxed).*
2010 / 2009 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2000 - Expect a valuation likely less than you initially purchased at as many of these vintages are still relatively available in the trade and in the re-sale markets. As we go back in years the valuations will increase though each of these years are not seen as exceptional and their drinking window will be minimal. Champagne Collectors offer price £85 per bottle (boxed) for 2010 / 2009 / 2006 / 2005 / 2003 & Champagne Collectors offer price of £100 per bottle (boxed) for 2004 / 2002 / 2000.
As we go back in years from 2000 we are starting to see higher valuations and scarcity so if you have a bottle of Champagne to sell from the vintages below, then please read on:
1999 / 1998 / 1996 / 1995 / 1993 / 1992 /1990 - Expect a valuation likely to be at least what you purchased at or higher. The 1996 and 1990 are seen as the best from the decade so will hold the greater value and if you have any in magnum size then you will really will be in a good valuation situation! Champagne Collectors offer price £125 per bottle (boxed) for 1999 / 1998 / 1995 / 1993 / 1992 & Champagne Collectors offer price of £145 per bottle (boxed) for 1996 / 1990.
1988 / 1985 / 1983 / 1982 / 1980 - Expect a decent valuation above what you purchased for due to bottles (in prime storage condition) being relatively scarce and that the drinking window is peaking. Champagne Collectors offer price of £165 per bottle (boxed) for 1988 / 1985 / 1983 / 1982 / 1980.
Pre 1980 - Generally, the drinking window for most will have closed and these wines will be on the decline. There are still many Champagne collectors out there who love to explore the older vintages to discover the aromas and flavours they hold from decades of bottle aging. The valuations will usually still be decent though unless confirmed storage history is known, they will yield display value mostly as the wine inside will be undrinkable. Expect a wide range of values from £50 - £100 for bottles they showing oxidisation (dark brown colour of wine inside and a noticeable lower neck level in wine volume) to £250+ for bottles with decent storage history and decent clarity / wine levels inside the bottle. Please contact Champagne Collectors directly for a valuation via 01206 700888 or email [email protected]
As with all wines, and especially older vintage Champagnes, how you have stored the bottle(s) will play a very important factor in valuing. If you can provide confirmed storage history such as within bond or a private cellar then you can expect to match the going re-sale rates, but if you have no storage history then you will need to accept lower valuations. If you have no confirmed storage history you are more likely to be asked for photos of the bottle(s) you are selling with clarity and wine levels being examined.
*All valuation prices are for confirmed storage history bottles and delivered - Please find out more about selling your Champagnes to Champagne Collectors here.